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Overage vehicles may soon be banned in Hyderabad and other Telangana districts.

Overage vehicles may soon be banned in Hyderabad and other Telangana districts.

The decision is likely to be implemented starting January 1, 2025.

Hyderabad: The Telangana government is set to ban overage vehicles from plying on the roads of Hyderabad and other districts of the state.

The decision is likely to be implemented starting January 1, 2025.

15 years or older vehicles

A vehicle is considered overage if it is 15 years or older.

According to a report published in TOI, such vehicles must be scrapped. The owner will face penalties if such vehicles are found on the road.

However, overage vehicles that pass the fitness test will be allowed on the roads for another 3–5 years upon payment of a green tax.

This exemption does not apply to 10,000 government vehicles.

17 lakh overage vehicles in Hyderabad

As per the report, there are 17 lakh motorcycles, 3.5 lakh cars, 1 lakh goods vehicles, and 20,000 auto rickshaws that are overage.

These vehicles may need to be scrapped, as the Regional Transport Authority has submitted a draft of the vehicle scrappage policy to the government for approval.

Welcome To Ganges Valley School

Ganges Valley School holds the unique distinction of being one of the few schools in the country that creates the right blend of opportunities to ignite the natural spark and innate desire within each child to learn. Our curriculum is carefully curated and ensures that every learning experience draws deeply from our country’s rich and diverse cultural heritage, effectively balancing it with the essential future-ready skills required to stay ahead of the changing needs of a hyper-connected world.

Our scientifically planned indoor and outdoor learning spaces nurture learning in accordance with our vision, values, Principles of Psychology and Neuroscience of Learning, and the National Education Policy 2020.

For More Details

Ganesh laddu auctioned for ₹1.87 crore in Hyderabad’s Bandlaguda

The festive offering of laddu at Keerthi Richmond Villas in Bandlaguda, Hyderabad, was sold for ₹1,87,36,500 or ₹1.87 crore in an auction held late on Monday night, September 16. This marks an increase of ₹61 lakh from previous year’s price, where the laddu was auctioned for ₹1.26 crore. The laddu weighs 5 kg.

“Over 100 villa owners, from diverse religious backgrounds, took part in the auction, which received more than 400 bids. This unique charity auction, held annually during the Ganapati festivities, is a heartwarming and exemplary initiative to support the underprivileged,” said Abhay Deshpande, a managing trustee of the gated community.

The crowdfunding efforts benefit more than 42 NGOs, underprivileged school children, and medical aid for those in need. “All work by RV Diya Charitable Trust is carried out by volunteers with zero administrative costs. Every rupee raised directly contributes to creating a tangible impact on the lives of those we serve,” added Mr. Deshpande.”

Blood Donation Camp

On the occasion of Dr. M. Chenna Reddy’s Death Anniversary,Dr. M. Chenna Reddy Memorial Trust facilitated a blood donation camp organized by Arohi Blood Bank & Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Society, Blood Banks. Thalassemia affected children need blood every 2-3 weeks due to hemoglobin count deficiency and 1000 children need support through blood donation. This camp has been hosting 100’s of blood donors every year for the last few years. Thalassemia children have an even more pressing need for blood given the pandemic situation.

Shri Krishna Reddy is coordinating the blood donation camp for the trust, including Mrs. Vasudha Devi, Mr. Sudarshan Reddy, Mrs. Nirvana, Kumari.Kavya, Kumari. Savitri, Mr. Shasidhar Reddy, Mr. Ravinder Reddy and many others will be present. Other senior leaders, followers and well-wishers of Dr. M. Chenna Reddy were present. Senior officers of blood banks were present along with the teams.

There were many youths from various NGOs. AV College – NCC & NSS, Online Blood Donors (OBD), Rajmata Foundation, ASWA, Janma Foundation, Yuva Seva, YFS, Stas and common people enthusiastically participated and supported. We have _ voters.

Date : Every Year December 2

Blood Donation Camp on 2nd December 2023 @ Dr Marri Chenna Reddy Memorial Rock Garden, Indira Park, Hyderabad

మూలం సంత

🎡 ఉత్పత్తిదారులు మరియు వినియోగదారుల మధ్య వారధిగా ప్రకృతి మేళాలు, సంతల నిర్వహణలో
🌱🌾🍚🍛🍦* ” మూలం సంత ” “* 🪴🌽 🐝🍆🍅

  • Let’s get “Back to our Roots”…

గ్రామ భారతి 28 వసంతాలు పూర్తి చేసుకుంటున్న శుభసందర్భాన ఉత్పత్తిదారులు మరియు వినియోగదారుల మధ్య వారధి ఏర్పాటు చేయటానికి గ్రామ భారతి మరియు CSR Memorial Foundation సంయుక్త ఆధ్వర్యంలో వ్యవసాయ మరియు వ్యవసాయ అనుబంధ ఉత్పత్తులు విక్రయించుకోవటానికి గాను వినియోగదారుల కోసం ప్రతి నెల రెండో శనివారం * ఉదయం 10 గంటల నుండి తార్నాకలోని మర్రి కృష్ణా హాల్లో ఏర్పాటు చేస్తున్నామని CSR Memorial Foundation founder కొత్తపల్లి కృష్ణ గారు మరియు గ్రామ భారతి స్వచ్ఛంధ సంస్థ తెలంగాణ ప్రాంత అధ్యక్షులు సూర్య కళ గారు తెలిపారు

🏵️ గో ఆధారిత – సహజ – ప్రాకృతిక – దేశవాళీ – స్వదేశీ – విష రహిత – గ్రామీణ – చేతి వృత్తుల – కుటీర పరిశ్రమల… పంటలు, వివిధ వస్తువులు, గోమయ విగ్రహాలు – ఇటుకలు – పేంట్లు – సమిధలు – స్మశాన కడ్డీలు – అలంకరణ సామగ్రి – ఆంటీ రేడియేషన్ చిప్స్; కళాకృతులు, సహజ రంగుల పొడులు; దీర్ఘకాలిక వ్యాధులన్నింటినీ తగ్గించుటకు… పాదం క్రింద పెట్టుకొనే పెద్ద పిడకలు; పంచగవ్య – ఆయుర్వేద ఔషధాలు; విష రహిత ఎరువులు – క్రిమి నియంత్రక కషాయాలు
మొదలైన…నిత్యజీవితంలో అవసరమైన అన్నిరకాల వస్తువులను తయారు చేసి, స్వయంగా వచ్చి గ్రామీణులు అమ్ముకొనుటకు, దళారులను దూరం చేయుటకు, జీవనోపాధి పొందుటకు, స్వావలంబనతో ముందుకు సాగుటకు, తద్వారా ప్రకృతిని- పర్యావరణాన్ని కాపాడుటకు చేసే ఒక ప్రయత్నం మరియు ప్రోత్సాహమే…ఈసంతల ఏర్పాటు ఉద్దేశ్యం అని గ్రామ భారతి పెద్ధలు మార్గదర్శకులు ఆకుతోట రామారావు గారు తెలిపారు

స్టాల్ తీసుకున్న వారికి భోజనం, టేబుల్, కుర్చీలు, శుభ్రత మరియు కరెంట్ వంటి ఏర్పాట్లకోసం కేవలం 500 రూపాయల రుసుము తీసుకుని స్వచ్ఛందంగా ఈ కార్యక్రమాన్ని నిర్వహిస్తున్నామని నిర్వాహకులు తెలిపారు

ప్రత్యేక ఆకర్షణలు:

  • ఆరోగ్యకర మిల్లెట్ ఆహారం
  • ⁠నోరూరించే మిల్లెట్ ఐస్క్రీం
    -గోమయం తో చేసిన పేంట్ , పుట్టి , గోమయం యోగా మాట్ ఇలాంటి ఎన్నో వస్తువులు ఏర్పాటు చేసినట్టు
  • ఇంటి పంటలు , దేశీ విత్తనాలు
  • స్వచ్ఛమైన ఎద్దు గానుగ నూనెలు

*కార్యక్రమానికి Media partner గా

  • Back to roots YouTube channel (బాక్ టు రూట్స్ యూట్యూబ్ ఛానల్)
  • MyIndMedia మరియు Prajavaani TV

Food partnersగా:

  • నయా మిల్లెట్స్ (నయా మిల్లెట్స్) మరియు
  • యశోదా ఓర్గానిక్స్ నిలిచాయి

యూత్ ఫర్ సేవా, రాజ్మాతా ఫౌండేషన్ మరియు Oyster foundation కార్యకర్తలు

కార్యక్రమంలో Ex NABARD CGM గ్రామ భారతి గౌరవ అధ్యక్షులు పాలాది మోహనయ్యగారు, కార్యదర్శి మోహన్ గారు , సభ్యులు రాజమౌలిగారు, బొమ్మకంటి మల్లేషంగారు, మదన్ గుప్తగారు, భారతీయ కిసాన్ సంఘ్ దోనూరి రాము గారు , AV రావు గారు , సుబ్రహ్మణ్యం రాజు గారు, రంగారావు గారు, టిడిఎఫ్ నరేందర్ గారు, ప్రకృతి రైతులు , సునంద గారు , రజిత గారు తదితరులు కూడా పాల్గొన్నారు

ప్రవేశం ఉచితం

మర్రి కృష్ణా హాల్, తార్నాక


  • గో ఉత్పత్తులు
  • చేనేత దుస్తులు, వస్త్రాలు
  • కుల వృత్తులు, చేతి వృత్తులు
  • మిద్దెతోట, దేశీ విత్తనాలు, మొక్కలు
  • వ్యవసాయ విలువ జోడింపు ఉత్పత్తులు
  • గో ఆధారిత ప్రకృతి వ్యవసాయ ఉత్పత్తులు
  • ఆయుర్వేద, పంచగవ్య లాంటి ఆరోగ్య విషయాలు
  • మిల్లెట్ ఉత్పత్తులు, ఆరోగ్యకరమైన తినుబండారాలు
  • దేశం, ధర్మం, ప్రకృతి వ్యవసాయం మరియు పాడి పై పుస్తకాలు, సాహిత్యం
  • ప్రకృతి మరియు ఆరోగ్యానికి మేలు చేసే ఉత్పత్తులు
  • మరియు రైతులకు, చిన్న వ్యాపారస్తులకు ఉపయోగపడే ఉపకరణాలు

Mulam Santha

Gram Bharti is completing 28 Vasanthas to create a bridge between producers and consumers under the joint auspices of Gram Bharti and CSR Memorial Foundation to sell agricultural and agricultural allied products on the second Saturday of every month for the consumers * *On the second Saturday of every month at 10 am with the idea of ​​organizing Moolam Santha CSR Memorial Foundation founder Kothapalli Krishna garu and Gram Bharati Swachhand Sanstha Telangana regional president Surya Kala said that it is being organized at Marri Krishna Hall in Tarnaka.

🏵️ Go Based – Natural – Natural – Domestic – Indigenous – Non Toxic – Rural – Handicrafts – Cottage Industries… Crops, Miscellaneous Items, Gomaya Idols – Bricks – Paints – Composites – Graveyard Sticks – Decorative Materials – Anti Radiation Chips; Artifacts, natural color powders; To reduce all the chronic diseases… the big feet placed under the feet; panchagavya – Ayurvedic medicines; Non-toxic fertilizers – insect control potions

It is an effort and encouragement to make all kinds of things needed in daily life and come and sell them to the villagers themselves, to get rid of middlemen, to earn a living, to move forward with self-reliance, and thus to protect the nature and environment… The purpose of setting up these stalls is that the purpose of setting up these stalls is that the pioneers of Grama Bharati, Akutota Rama Rao said. Garu said

Special attractions:

– A healthy millet diet

– Mouth-watering millet ice cream

-Many items such as Gomayam paint, putti, Gomayam yoga mat have been arranged

– Home crops, indigenous seeds

– Pure bull ghee oils

* As Media partner for the program

– Back to roots YouTube channel

– MyIndMedia and Prajavaani TV

As food partners:

– New millets (New millets) and

– Yashoda Organics stands out

Activists of Youth for Seva, Rajmata Foundation and Oyster foundation

Ex NABARD CGM Gram Bharati Honorary President Paladi Mohaniyagaru, Secretary Mohan Garu, Members Rajamouligaru, Bommakanti Malleshangaru, Madan Guptagaru, Bharatiya Kisan Sangh Donuri Ramu Garu, AV Rao Garu, Subrahmanyam Raju Garu, Ranga Rao Garu, TDF Narender Garu, Nature Farmers, Sunanda Garu, Rajita Garu and others also participated

Entrance is free

Marri Krishna Hall, Tarnaka

This includes:

– Go products

– Handloom garments, textiles

– Caste occupations, handicrafts

– Rice field, desi seeds, plants

– Agricultural value addition products

– Go based natural farming products

– Health matters like Ayurveda, Panchagavya

– Millet products, healthy foods

– Books, Literature on Country, Dharma, Natural Farming and Dairying

– Products that benefit nature and health

– and useful tools for farmers and small businessmen

clay ganesha

Clay Ganesha

  1. Environmental concerns: PoP idols take years to dissolve in water and harm aquatic life. Clay idols, on the other hand, are biodegradable and dissolve quickly.
  2. Water pollution: Immersion of PoP idols in water bodies leads to increased acidity and heavy metal content, harming aquatic life.
  3. Promoting sustainability: Clay Ganesha awareness encourages the use of natural, eco-friendly materials, reducing waste and pollution.
  4. Preserving traditional craftsmanship: Clay idol-making supports local artisans and preserves traditional craftsmanship.
  5. Raising awareness: Initiatives and campaigns educate people about the environmental impact of their choices and promote a shift towards eco-friendly practices.

By choosing clay Ganesha idols, we can celebrate the festival in a more sustainable and environmentally conscious way!

Microsoft buys land in Hyderabad for Rs 267 cr to build data centre

Microsoft buys land in Hyderabad for Rs 267 cr to build data centre

Microsoft Corporation recently acquired 48 acres of land in Hyderabad for a deal valued at approximately Rs 267 crore.

The property was purchased from the land aggregator, Sai Balaji Developers, located in Ranga Reddy district, as per the document shared by Propstack, a data analytics firm.

“Microsoft has big plans to expand its data centre business and will be developing one of the biggest data centres in the region. The property is located about forty kilometers from the main city of Hyderabad, and the company paid a premium on the land,” said a person aware of the deal.

Microsoft’s Hyderabad data centre region is an addition to its existing network of three regions in India – Pune, Mumbai, and Chennai – which have been operational for the past five years.

“Microsoft had also acquired two more land parcels in Hyderabad for the data centre business,” he said.

In a response to an query, Microsft said “We have no information to share at this time.”

Microsoft currently operates an India Development Centre (IDC) out of Hyderabad spread over 54-acre apart from Bengaluru and Noida. The IDC has played a pivotal role in the development and progression of Microsoft’s technological offerings, such as Azure, Windows, Office, and Bing.

Separately, over the past two years, the organisation has been increasing its presence in the flexible office space segment throughout the country.

Market leadership stays with PSUs; stay invested as the best is yet to come: Ramesh Damani

Market leadership stays with PSUs; stay invested as the best is yet to come: Ramesh Damani

Ramesh Damani, Member of BSE, believes that the best time to invest in India is today, as the country is experiencing growth and development. He has always identified mega trends, such as cement shares and liberalization trends, and has been able to spot leadership in these bull markets.

The middle class, which started in England in the 18th-19th century, is shaping the world today, with 4 to 5 billion people in India. This middle class is defined as having a PPP purchasing power parity of about $12 per day, significantly above the poverty level of $2 a day. As India’s per capita has gone over $2,500, the middle class is demanding action on issues such as climate change, travel, education, and living standards.

There is much to be right in the market, with a significant fall in the last few days and the addition of 13 crore demat accounts in India. However, there is also a lesson to understand the difference between risk and volatility in the market. Risk is the choice of permanent loss of capital, while volatility is what happened yesterday and what will happen the day before yesterday.

The next 2,000 points on the Sensex can be up and down, but Damani believes that the next 20,000 points will be higher due to the unfolding demographics, digitization, and democracy taking root in India. There is a lot to be thankful for and looking forward to being optimistic over the next few years rather than being pessimistic.

Damani is fully invested in the market, with a focus on public sector stocks and the Modi government’s efforts to turn around the public sector. The debate over privatizing PSUs or unlocking value has receded, and companies should be well managed.

Marri Krishna Hall Summer Camp 2024

Developing your eye through careful observation is an important part of learning to draw.
start with basic shapes and light lines, Find the right proportions
refine lines, check angles, and add solid outlines
add detail and texture, shadows and highlights

How to Teach Drawing to Kids: 10 Fun and Effective Strategies
Start with the basics.
We teach children the basics of shapes and how to draw them.
Use different mediums. …
Try different surfaces.
Get them moving.
Encourage them to experiment.
Make it a competition.

If you’re ready for more, there are many more advanced drawing techniques, and understanding those will help you really get good at them.

1 : Warm up + practice hand-eye coordination
2 : Start with basic shapes + light lines
3 : Refine, check angles and edges, add solid lines, and add volume to your drawing
4 : do lots of loose, quick sketches
5 : Focus, contrast, and details