Let’s Vote – For a Better Society …
LETS VOTE, founded in 2008, is an apolitical, Not-for-the-profit, Voluntary organisation. This initiative is aimed at helping the citizens of our nation to find their voice, exercise their right, and contribute to positive development outcomes.
LETS VOTE envisions a responsive and responsible society exercising their right to vote, thereby electing an accountable team to lead and govern.
LET’S VOTE promotes societal development and positive nation building through sensitizing professionals to cast their vote.
We use a people-first approach. We understand that development is a people-centric process, and that voting is a means, not an end, to choosing the right team. We want to focus on the significance of ‘casting one’s vote’ and its role in enabling society and spur growth and development.
Some of our activities include:
- Sensitising the eligible urban citizens to go for e-registration for obtaining EPIC
- Helping in establishing e-registration counters and providing them necessary guidance
- Conducting voter awareness camps, meetings, rallies etc.,
We seek to work on unbiased, nonpartisan basis without moving into the arena of any preferred political leanings, thus leaving the choice of which party or candidate to vote to, to the educated Indian, as is expected in our democratic process.
LETS VOTE signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Election Commission on 7th June 2010 for a. assisting CEO in taking up voter awareness program in completely non-partisan manner; b. Initiating advocacy programs with corporate houses & other institutes to facilitate voter registration; c. Lending technical support to office of CEO and d. to support various participate initiatives to make electoral process more effective.
LETS VOTE received National Award from Election Commission of India in 2015 as Best Civic Society Organization for its contributions for sensitizing citizens especially professionals and educated urban population to enroll and cast their vote through awareness activities and enrollment drives during 2014 elections.
Committed to the above principles, objectives LETS VOTE seek your active support and participation in this movement of Democracy.
India, the world’s largest democracy, unfortunately, failed time and again as most of the citizens shied away from using their vote appropriately. We, the educated citizens of the country believe in the power of voting to drive extraordinary social and economic change. There is a great potential for people to use their vote to improve their livelihoods, but it must be properly harnessed – incorporated into each community’s social, cultural, historic, economic and political context.
Human development is about people: their desire and struggle to uphold their dignity, expand their freedoms and lead lives that they value. In this quest, choosing the right team to lead plays a key role; people work to earn their livelihood, improve their lifestyle and infrastructure, ensure safety and security, create relevant future-oriented institutions and governance in the complex circumstances that poverty, alienation, and voicelessness create.
Given this backdrop, “Let’s Vote” initiative is being launched to help the citizens of our resource-rich nation to find their voice, exercise their right, thus enabling them access the resources that contribute to positive development outcomes.
To help build this India, we:
- Engage and educate Professionals: We need a passionate, pragmatic, energetic and thoughtful member base. We mobilize the energy of educated indians, educate them about development issues, and encourage them to play an active role supporting development. By doing so, we develop educated indians into leaders committed to development and global sustainability.
- Reach out to all Professionals: We build awareness among our fellow Professionals of ‘exercising their vote’ and thus ensuring development and global sustainability, and we link these issues to actions people can take here in India that promote human development within and around the world.

“Let’s Vote” envisions a responsive, and responsible society exercising their right to vote, thereby electing an accountable team to lead and govern.

“Let’s Vote” promotes societal development and positive nation building through sensitizing professionals to cast their vote.