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Month: August 2024

clay ganesha

Clay Ganesha

  1. Environmental concerns: PoP idols take years to dissolve in water and harm aquatic life. Clay idols, on the other hand, are biodegradable and dissolve quickly.
  2. Water pollution: Immersion of PoP idols in water bodies leads to increased acidity and heavy metal content, harming aquatic life.
  3. Promoting sustainability: Clay Ganesha awareness encourages the use of natural, eco-friendly materials, reducing waste and pollution.
  4. Preserving traditional craftsmanship: Clay idol-making supports local artisans and preserves traditional craftsmanship.
  5. Raising awareness: Initiatives and campaigns educate people about the environmental impact of their choices and promote a shift towards eco-friendly practices.

By choosing clay Ganesha idols, we can celebrate the festival in a more sustainable and environmentally conscious way!